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Leadership of Avondale.


Worship Service - with Jim (5) cropped.j

Our pastor and leaders challenge us to put Christ at the center of our lives and help us explore what that means. They do that through Sunday worship, small group discussions, Christian education, on the basketball court with our kids, personal visits, and checking in through casual conversation.

                              More about our Pastor

The congregation elects nine elders to discern where God is leading the church and ask critical questions about how Avondale can best

follow that call.

The Session.


Ministry Team Leaders.

Ministry teams work with session and ministers to plan ways to create a vibrant spiritual life at Avondale, be that through worship, fellowship, or reaching out to those beyond our walls. 

We have a handful of staff members who guide music, make sure all runs smoothly with office matters and our church property, and lead our children’s center.



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