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Youth Mission Trip

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Youth Mission & Adventure

On June 17, 2021, youth and adult leaders head west for mission and adventure. Arriving in Portland, Oregon, the group will head to Mt. Hood, via the Columbia River Gorge, for hiking and biking. On Sunday, the group arrives to the destination to begin their mission work on the Yakama Reservation in Washington with local host organization, S.L.A.M. of Mending Wings, who is organizing the projects. After several days work in the Yakama area, our group will head to Mt. Rainer. The adventure continues with camping, hiking, ferries, sea kayaking, and much more. And as always with our Youth Group, there will be questions and invigorating discussion and fellowship to support a strong faith. The group will board a red-eye flight from Seattle, arriving home to Charlotte Thursday morning, July 1, 2021.

Youth Trip Schedule & Photos

Live vicariously through our youth and follow their trip schedule.

Enjoy pictures from the trip on Instagram!

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