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Visitors to Avondale

The weekend of July 17th, the Canyon Creek Youth Choir will be visiting Charlotte for a service/mission trip. They will be staying at Avondale. The Youth Choir will also be sharing their music with us in worship on July 17. We are excited to welcome these guests to our campus.

That same weekend, Rev. Christopher Lee, a former pastor at Avondale, will be visiting Charlotte with his family. Rev. Lee now serves at Canyon Creek Presbyterian Church in Richardson, Texas. We are excited to see our friends!

In honor of our guests, we will have a congregational meal following the worship service on July 17. Salad, bread and drinks will be provided. We invite the congregation to bring a pasta covered dish to the lunch. See the letter below for your last name and corresponding dish to bring. We look forward to gathering in fellowship!

A-F - Spaghetti or spaghetti with meatballs

G-K - Lasagna, veggie or meat

L-P - Ravioli or ziti

R-Z - Dessert

Or bring your favorite pasta dish!

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