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Spring Women's Bible Study

Have you ever longed for more? More hope? More joy? More freedom? Our culture understands this longing and offers us many suggestions on how to satisfy this longing….more money, a bigger house, a better friend, a faster phone…if only we had _____, then we could be content. However, once we attain any of these things, we quickly find other areas where we lack. God offers us another way, a way where we leave the ways of the world behind and learn the art of contentment in God.

Join the women of Avondale for a six-week spring study of the book of Numbers and the Contentment Project Challenge. Numbers may seem like an intimidating book of the Bible, but you will soon discover how relatable and relevant it is to our lives today. God delivered the Israelites out of slavery and provided for their needs; yet, they still grumbled. They felt the same ache for “more” that we experience, but they wanted to get it in their own way rather than following God’s instructions, a tendency we can all relate to. This study will meet at 5pm on Wednesdays during Avondale Adventures in the Conference Room and will be facilitated by Joy Callaway. A time of fellowship will be held on Wednesday, April 20th, and the study will kick off on April 27th.

If interested, please complete the registration form here, order your Numbers Workbook here, and order your Content Original Bracelet here; total cost is approximately $23 for both items. If there is enough interest for a class in the evenings or during the Sunday School hour, we will create a second section. Additional information and details will be sent to those who register. If you have any questions, please email Amanda at



Wednesdays from 5 -6:30 pm

(during Avondale Adventures)

in the Conference Room


April 20 – a time of fellowship

April 27 – kick-off

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