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Music Ministry Message...

A Message from the Director of Music

The Avondale Music Ministry is gearing up to resume rehearsals for Worship Choir and Handbell Choir in September and we need YOU! The Worship Choir needs more singers and our goal is to recruit 8 new members. It is open to Middle Schoolers, High Schoolers, and Adults. The Handbell Choir is in need of 3 new ringers and is open to High Schoolers and Adults. No experience is necessary for these groups, just a desire to participate and make music to glorify God. Music is a gift from God and it is innate in all of us, some just need a little help finding their voice or their musical ability, and that is why I am here. The Worship Band is always looking for new singers or instrumentalists, so if you have experience singing or playing an instrument, we would love to have you. Please contact me if you are interested or would like more information. So come, join us, and discover the joy of making music together!


Rich Stanley


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