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About End of Year Giving

End-of-Year Giving

As 2021 draws to a close, contact Leah Hackworth for instructions for stock gift transfers as well as other questions. Leah is in the office through Wednesday, December 23. Sunday Worship on December 26 will be the last opportunity for collection plate contributions applied to 2021.

Trying to make those last contributions for tax year 2021? Checks dated and mailed during the last week of December will be counted Tuesday, January 4 to allow for USPS delivery. PayPal automatically time stamps donations, if you prefer to contribute online through December 31. See our website at

About more options for year-end giving

Dear Avondale Friends,

As the year comes to a close and a new year begins, the Finance team wanted to make you aware of some opportunities here at Avondale. This letter is coming to you with a couple of big “ifs”:

o If you might be interested in making an additional gift to Avondale in 2021; and

o If you are required to take minimum distributions from your retirement account, such as an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.

If this applies to you, then read on.

Congress has enacted legislation which allows taxpayers to take “qualified charitable distributions” to satisfy the required minimum distributions. For many taxpayers, these charitable distributions reduce the tax taken by Uncle Sam. Make no mistake: these distributions go to charities (such as Avondale) and they do not go back into someone’s pocket. Nonetheless, you may find that the charitable distribution is an attractive way to reduce your tax liability.

Only you and your financial advisor can make a decision if these distributions are right for you. When you talk to your advisor, use the exact terminology of “qualified charitable distribution,” and its initials, “QCD.” If you do decide to make such a contribution, feel free to be in touch with the church’s financial coordinator, Leah Hackworth, and she can help with some of the logistics.

Leah can help direct your contributions to the ministry of your choosing. For example: Sacred Space, general fund, facilities, etc. In fact, at its November meeting, the Session established a restricted account to receive gifts for improvements to our Sacred Space. Within the first half of 2022, Session expects to have plans in hand for those long-awaited improvements. And knowing that the Sacred Space account is now available may make the idea even more attractive!

Thank you for your attention – and for your dedication to Avondale!

Leah Hackworth: 704-333-6194 x1 /

Receipts for Year End

Please remember to turn in your 2021 receipts for reimbursement by the end of the year. You can drop by the church office or email Leah Hackworth at Leah's last day in the office is Wednesday, December 22. The office is closed for Christmas - Friday, December 24 through Tuesday, December 28 and for New Years, closed Friday, December 31. Thank you!

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