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Covid Update - January 12, 2022

Dear Avondale Family,

As Covid numbers continue to fluctuate from holiday experiences, we want to assure you that we are continuing our commitment to following safe gathering practices.

  • We continue to invite our in-person worshipers to wear protective masks during worship and while indoors.

  • We continue to offer sanitizing stations and encourage frequent hand washing.

  • We continue to encourage spreading out in the worship space.

  • We continue to invite our in-person folks to share in singing the final song and to visit with others outdoors after receiving the Blessing.

  • We will continue to distribute sealed communion elements for the near future.

  • We will continue to encourage our folks to self-evaluate their own health situation. If for any reason you have a question about your safety or your ability to keep others safe, please take advantage of our streamed worship service found on YouTube. A direct link is shared every Sunday morning in your worship email.

The Leadership at Avondale continues to monitor the pandemic situation and evaluates worship with everyone’s health in mind. If you have questions about Avondale’s process and procedures regarding Sunday worship, please do not hesitate to contact me, one of our dedicated staff members, or reach out to an Elder currently serving on Session.

Throughout this entire experience, Avondale has been committed to caring for the greatest gift that Christ has given us … our people. Thank you for your faithfulness in helping to do your part in caring for the body of Christ, the church.

Grace & Peace,


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