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Media Archive - Podcasts.

Worship Podcasts:

Listen to past worship services at Avondale. Not all dates are available.

07.15.2018 "Keep Your Head" - Rev. Veronica Cannon
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07.08.2018 "Do the Work" - Rev. Veronica Cannon
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07.01.2018 "Who Touched Me?" - Rev. Veronica Cannon
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06.24.2018 "Fear Not, Have Faith" - Rev. Veronica Cannon
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06.03.2018 "Merciful High Priest" - Rev. Veronica Cannon
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05.06.2018 Youth Sunday - "This is Our Story" - Avondale Youth Group
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Podcasts not available for September 24 though April 30

09.17.2017 "The Real Presence of Christ" - with Rev. Christopher Lee
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08.27.17 “Reflections on Providence and People” - Dr. John Earl
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08.20.17 "A Wilderness Place" - Dr. John Earl
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07.30.17 “The Unique Unity of the Church" - Dr. John Earl
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07.23.17 “Good-bye Children” - Dr. John Earl
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07.16.17 “Along Comes God” - Dr. John Earl
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07.09.17 “Christ Who Carries the Weight” - Dr. John Earl
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07.02.17 “Will We Stay With The Journey?” - Rev. Christopher Lee
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06.25.17 Communion & Baptisms - Dr. John Earl
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06.18.17 “A Prayer of Faith” - Dr. John Earl
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06.11.17 “Jest, Riddle, or Glory?” - Dr. John Earl
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Worship Podcasts:

09.04.16 A Service of Remembrance and Reflection - Dr. John Earl
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08.28.16 Metaphor on a Marriage Feast - Dr. John Earl
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08.21.16 Identity Formed - Dr. John Earl
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08.14.16 Christians in the Making - Dr. John Earl
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08.07.16 Singing the Hymn of Journey - Dr. John Earl
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07.24.16 Lord, teach us to pray - Dr. John Earl
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07.17.16 Philoxenia - Rev. Chris Lee
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06.11.17 “Jest, Riddle, or Glory?” - Dr. John Earl
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07.10.16 Searching for Salvation - Dr. John Earl
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06.26.16 The Changing Cost of Holy Boldness - Dr. John Earl
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06.19.16 Sing Out with Joy to God Our Strenght - Dr. John Earl
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05.22.16 What Church Membership Can Mean - Dr. John Earl
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06.05.16 When The Stream Runs Dry - Dr. John Earl
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05.15.16 The Promised Received and Resident Spirit - Dr. John Earl
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04.24.16 Who Speaks for God When It Comes to Creation? - Dr. John Earl
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