More about our...
75th Anniversary Main page:
Get involved: Lynn Wilkerson, Ministry Chair email
Email story/photos: 75thanniversary@avondalepresbychurch.org
or Betty Chambers email
Event information: Church Office 704-333-6194 or email
Who is invited?
Avondalers past and present, neighbors, family and friends are ALL invited to join in celebrations! See details of ALL our celebrations on our 75th main web page.
In honor of our 75th Anniversary, please consider a donation to Avondale.
General Fund / Sacred Garden / In Memory or In Honor Of
Youth Group / Children's Ministry

Children’s Ministries at Avondale
Avondale is “God made you and me and God loves us.” There’s so much to tell children about faith, but we start with telling them that. We encourage kids to ask questions about Jesus, read the Bible, and talk and listen to God. We want them to see church as a place to challenge and enjoy themselves. We hope what they learn at Avondale will set them on a course to pursue God and feel the blessing of Christ’s love throughout their lives.

Children's Sunday School

Sundays at Avondale offer Sunday School classes for all children, from toddlers to high school students. Teachers encourage kids to use Scripture to understand what kind of friends, classmates, and family members God wants us to be. More about Sunday School
Make a joyful sound to the Lord with Avondale Adventures, a 10-week program for kindergarten through fifth graders offered in the spring and fall on Wednesday nights. Children begin the evening with dinner, learn about the Bible, sing together as a choir, dance, play sports, do crafts, and a whole bunch of other fun things.
Avondale Adventures

Each summer, Avondale Church and Avondale Children's Center join together to produce an awesome Vacation Bible School (Vacation Bible Camp) for children aged (rising) K-5th grade. Dedicated adults and teenagers lead the children in fun activities and adventures, while the kids also learn about the light of Jesus.
Make a joyful noise with us! Parents and children, birth through pre-school, join us for an exciting and energetic weekday class. Journey with your child, helping them learn about the excitement and love of Christ through music, dance, story time, and fellowship. Open to the public. In summer months, Joyful Noise has summer fun activities. Check the calendar for details.
Joyful Noise

In addition to the ministries highlighted above, Avondale serves children and families in many other ways. From Confirmation classes to the "Children's Moment", the Avondale Children's Center to the Playbook for Life basketball ministry, the ACE school and summer programs to children's music, baptisms and children's Bibles - all help sow the seeds of faith, foster service to others, and nurture families.
Avondale Adventures
Children's Center