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Avondale Senior Adult Program 

Avondale Senior Adult Program (ASAP) is a ministry opportunity for older adults. We organize social activities as well as service and learning activities for all who attend.

We meet at 12 noon the fourth Thursday of the month to share food, fun, fellowship, and service.


Avondalers and guests enjoy speakers, music, service projects, lunch, and fellowship. See schedule on right.

In addition to the monthly program, ASAP organizes adventures locally and beyond.

Past mission and service projects include help/support:

Sedgefield Middle School, youth programs, Room In The Inn, Faithful Friends, Children's Center and more. 



"The History of Lake Norman"

"Boxed Lunch"


Discussion of favorite meals & programs, places we want to go, & missions for the year

“Farmers Market" lunch and "ASAP Olympics" fun

Welcome Home Kits

Music with Rich

School Supplies Drive


Benefit sick children...

collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House recycling program helps families stay near their children

Teachers (& students)

...of Sedgefield Middle School feel supported with supplies, meals and more.

Homeless (formerly)

...are helped with a Welcome Home Kit of home basics and essentials.

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ASAP Antiques Roadshow  & Children & Hal
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ASAP 2017 - Elizabeth Bridges and Molly
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