May 4, 2022

Youth Group Update...

Fundraiser, What’s Ahead, Celebrating Seniors


Thanks to all who volunteered and supported our first fundraiser in partnership with the Charlotte Art Collective. It was a great success! We sold something like 228 raffle tickets and raised $565! Great job and many thanks!

What’s Ahead

The school year is going fast! Three more weeks of finishing up our Beatitudes Study, then we are off for Memorial Day weekend, and then our party to start the summer and celebrate our graduates!

Peace. Shea, Meg, Arthur, Court, Garrett and Zach


Sunday May 8th: Youth Group 5:30 -7:30

Sunday May 15th: Youth Group 5:30 -7:30

Sunday May 22th: Youth Group 5:30 -7:30

Sunday May 29th: No Youth Group, Happy Memorial Day

Sunday June 5th: Youth Group 5:30 -7:30 - Year-end Cookout and Graduation Party

Summer Trip Dates:

Workcamp: (Middle and High School Mission Trip)

June 19 - 24, Harlan, Ky

Massanetta: (Middle School Conference)

July 7-10 , Harrisonburg, Va

Montreat: (High School Conference)

July 24-30, Montreat, NC

Celebrating Seniors

Hi Parents of Seniors! No tears yet… I just need you all to send me about 10-12 digital pictures of your child from birth to current. We will be putting together a video to share at our year end celebration. You can email them to me, or send a dropbox link, or give me a usb drive.

Thanks! Shea Chambers
