Apr 27, 2022

Children's Ministry Updates


NURSERY: The nursery is open during worship and Sunday school, 9:45 AM to 12 PM for children ages 3 and under. We invite you to take your child to the Joyful Noise Room in the children's Sunday school wing. Not sure where that is? Ask a greeter or any Avondaler!

DURING WORSHIP: Before worship at 10 AM in the Family Life Center, you will find a table for children with activity bags, Bibles, nursery information and upcoming events for children. We invite you to use the activities and bags during worship if you would like. They are filled with coloring pages, stickers, sensory and fidget toys for busy minds and bodies!

CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL: Children's Sunday School resumes on Sunday, May 1, 2022 during the worship hour (10-11 AM) for ages 3 and up. Please bring your child to worship where they will participate in the service for the first 20 minutes. Following the Children's Moment, they will be invited to join their Sunday School teacher in walking over to the classrooms. There they will enjoy a lesson, games and snacks. Following worship, you may pick your child up in the classroom building.

Are you planning for your child to participate? If so, complete the form and help us get to know them better!

More for children at Avondale....

Avondale Adventures

Vacation Bible School
