More about our...
75th Anniversary Main page:
Get involved: Lynn Wilkerson, Ministry Chair email
Email story/photos: 75thanniversary@avondalepresbychurch.org
or Betty Chambers email
Event information: Church Office 704-333-6194 or email
Who is invited?
Avondalers past and present, neighbors, family and friends are ALL invited to join in celebrations! See details of ALL our celebrations on our 75th main web page.
In honor of our 75th Anniversary, please consider a donation to Avondale.
General Fund / Sacred Garden / In Memory or In Honor Of
Youth Group / Children's Ministry

Avondale in Action.
In 2019, Avondale Presbyterian Church is celebrating its 75th Anniver-
sary. We invite all to join in events of music, food, worship, and fun
celebrating 75 years on Park Road in Charlotte. Actually in 1944, our
site sat at the edge of town and Park Road was named Avondale Avenue, hence the church’s name.
Avondalers and the community have been gathering for Sunday school, worship, and vacation Bible school from the beginning. As one member
said, “We were a Sunday school, building a church.” The Charlotte Observer reported on August 12, 1944 that, “Organization of a Sunday school at the newly-built Avondale Presbyterian Chapel at 2805 Avondale Avenue
was announced yesterday. Preaching services will begin at the Chapel on August 27, with the Rev. John R. Rosebro acting as supply pastor.” “Now
we were on our way to prosper in the work of the Lord,” commented
G. Douglas Aitken.
Avondale has grown a lot since then, but that same chapel is still a vital part of our campus. We continue to be a church with a caring center and a vibrant ministry to each other and those beyond our walls. Whenever we gather together to worship, serve, study, or rejoice in music, we encounter
the risen Christ in each other.
As Avondale celebrates its congregation's founding, history, and ministry
to the community, we make time for nostalgia and fun, serious reflection and spiritual awakening. We reflect on the past and look forward to the future
with renewed vision, hope, confidence, and commitment.
Where two or more are gathered in Christ's name, God's presence is assured. Can you think of anything more appropriate to celebrate?

75th Anniversary
Avondale Presbyterian Church

75th Anniversary
Avondale Stories Avondale Celebrations
We invite you to send us your unique Avondale Story! Handwritten story, email, video, even voice recordings!
Also, we ask Avondalers and friends to contribute to a memory book. Lend us your best Avondale photographs for our historical displays.
Bring your story/photos to the Church Office or send to us via email.
It will be a year-long celebration of Avondale's 75th Anniversary with activities each month and throughout the year! We invite all Avondalers past and present and the community to celebrate 75h years of ministry, worship, and fellowship.
See all events here:
More about our...
75th Anniversary
Join the team sharing our
75 years of history!
Come on the
historical journey!
Contact Lynn Wilkerson.
Get involved: Lynn Wilkerson, Ministry Chair email
Email story/photos: Church Office email
or Betty Chambers email
Event information: Church Office 704-333-6194 or email
Who is invited?
Avondalers past and present, neighbors, family and friends are ALL invited to join in celebrations! See details of ALL our celebrations on our 75th celebrations web page.
In honor of our 75th Anniversary, please consider a donation to Avondale.
General Fund / Sacred Garden / In Memory or In Honor Of
Youth Group / Children's Ministry

Find info on our Celebrations
taking place all year.
Read excellent info
about Avondale and
our 75 years!